Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ring around the Rosey

 I remember as a child playing ring around the rosey.  It made me realize that this little game we thought was so much fun was actually preparing us for life.  "We all fall down" and just like in the game after we fall down we get back up and do it again.
I kept my word and went to dad's doctor appt with him last Tuesday.  I want to say it went well.  The doctor seemed very pleased with what dad was explaining to her.  He says that his pain is better and he is only taking his morphine before bed and right when he gets up.  Mainly because the nights seem to be the worst.  He has not been sleeping well so she prescribed him a sleeping aid.  After talking to mom, dad has slept a lot better.  The doctor feels that the chemo is doing it's job.  For the most part you can touch dad and not have him scream in pain.  She wants to re-scan in the middle of February.  She feels that dad wouldn't be sitting there talking to her the way he was if things were getting worse.  So we are all trying to be optimistic that cancer is taking a step back or at least not growing.
I finally talked to my kids about everything.  I haven't wanted to because I haven't wanted them to worry.
They seemed to take it much better than I thought.  I told them that Poppy's cancer is like a house fire and his body is his house.  It starts out in small, confined to 1 room but Poppy's fire has spread into other rooms and right now we are using the Chemo and Radiation (the fire fighters) to fight the fire.  They seemed to understand this concept which made the whole talk a lot easier.
Dad also had an appt with his orthopedic surgeon.  Are you sitting down.....they want to do surgery and put a rod in dads arm so he can have use of it back.  Ugh!  Gotta be honest, stresses me out a little.  #1 He's not in his best health (obviously) so going under worries me. #2 I have always been told that when a person has cancer and they do surgery, it makes the cancer worse (oxygen vs cancer cells = trouble).  But who am I and what do I know.  Either way the surgery is scheduled for Monday January 31st .
I know the blog has not been getting update as much as it should, but when there is nothing to report I just hate to blog.  So please keep in mind that no blog is a good sign.  :)   I will update again after the surgery.  Please continue the prayers.

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