Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Beginning

Thank you for checking out our blog.  We feel this might be the easiest way to keep our family and friends informed of Bill's fight.  As his daughter I am taking the liberties of getting this blog set up.  You will read things the way I see them.  I will do my best do give you important details, thoughts and emotions that the whole family is dealing with.  So lets start with the basics:
This is how it began.....  As we all know, dad has a nickname that fits him quite well, "Murphy" for Murphy's Law, if it's gonna happen to anyone it will happen to him.  The guy has been through a back surgery, a broken neck, and a massive brain tumor.  So to now hear that he has been diagnosed with Invasive Esophageal Cancer, well.... as much as we (I) hate to say it but I'm really not surprised.  This cancer is high in African Americans, heavy smokers, and heavy drinkers. (All in which he is not)  He has only 2 outta maybe 10 of the "high risk" criteria.  So again as "Murphy" it doesn't surprise me that this is happening. 
Last Wednesday October 6th dad went in for a colonoscopy and endoscopy.  The doctor said right away that the esophagus looks very abnormal.  He requested dad have a CT w/ contrast before leaving the hospital that day.  Mom and dad decided to spend 1 more night in Spokane to see if they could get some answers.  On Thurs. they talked to the doctor who told them he was concerned.  By Friday the biopsy's came back saying "Invasive Esophageal Cancer".  (Deep breath - sigh)  The doctor said I will call you next week and set up a time for you to come over, discuss, and send you to Seattle.  So now we wait.  For god sakes we don't want to wait we want ANSWERS now!!!  I will keep you informed as soon as we know anything.  I don't think reality is going to set in until we see it and hear it face to face.  Please add dad to any and all prayer chains.  They are an amazing source of power.  xoxo 

1 comment:

  1. This blog is a great idea. And your dad's story sounds all too familiar to me. I'm a firm believer in the power of positive thinking, whether it be prayer, meditation, simple thought, whatever. I'll keep your dad in my thoughts daily and in my prayers constantly.
